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  • 5 Essential Steps for Writing a Quality Essay
    Опубликовано: 2019-02-14 18:28:26

    Not everyone is born with a natural talent for essay writing. In fact, many students find it hard to write essays on topics they’ve been given and struggle to deliver quality assignments. It is true that those who are more talented for writing find it is easier to write school essays. However, it’s not impossible for those who lack the talent to write just as good essays as their peers. All they have to do is learn how to write an essay.

    Writing essays is something every student needs to learn how to do. Although essay requirements differ from elementary school to college, there are still some basic steps every student should follow. In case you’re in need of a little help in the essay-writing department, don’t despair.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you deliver quality essays from this day on.

    1. Research

    Research is the basis of every well-written essay. It is also the most important step in the process of essay-writing. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to perform efficient research.

    The first thing that came to your mind is probably Google. Although Google does play the main part in the research process, you still need to learn how to make a difference between

    • authoritative, trustful sources
    • unreliable sources

    Trustful sources are:

    • online libraries
    • renowned journals and magazines
    • academic papers
    • articles written by experts and professionals

    The best way to find all truthful sources is to use Google Scholar to search for the results. This way, everything you get as a result of your search is most likely a source you can use for your paper.

    2. Outline and Brainstorming

    The topic that you’ve given might be straight forward or it gives you the space to come up with your own ideas on how to write it.
    Whatever the case is, you need to make sure you have a clear idea of what is it that you want to write and how you’re going to do it.
    Therefore, you need to:

    • brainstorm

    Take a piece of paper and write down all the ideas which come to your mind. Don’t overthink, just write them down as they come to you. Afterward, review each one of them and see which ideas are the best ones.

    • outline

    Write a brief outline of what your essay’s going to look like. Highlight the main ideas and write one sentence about the essence of each section.

    Now that you know what your end goal is, you’re ready to start writing your essay.

    3. Selection

    You’ve done your research and you’ve got your outline.

    You still have to make a selection of all the materials that you’ve found. There’s going to be a lot of what you can potentially use, and you can get confused and distracted.

    Here’s what you should do:

    • think about your main ideas
    • find those materials you can use to get your message across
    • choose two-three sources per idea

    It’s crucial that you eliminate the unnecessary materials before you start writing, and focus on the ones which can truly help you. Use them to back your ideas and give your essays credibility.

    4. Your Thoughts

    Your essay cannot and shouldn’t be based strictly on the viewpoints of other authors and their opinions. Although this will give your essay the credibility it needs, it’s still important for you to express your opinion.

    Don’t be afraid to show what your attitude is. When doing so, make sure to:

    • back your opinions with facts
    • explain your viewpoints
    • emphasize it is your opinion and not a fact
    • make the essay yours

    Make sure that the essay clearly states your viewpoint on the subject matter and don’t hesitate in showing it. Use your creativity and make sure you explain the reason behind your opinions and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

    5. Use the Right Tools

    Once you’ve got your essay all figured out content-wise, it’s crucial that you dedicate some time to its form, structure, and accuracy.
    An essay needs to be written in a formal manner, with absolutely no spelling or grammar errors.

    Luckily for you, you can find online writing tools which can help you make your essay just perfect. Use tools such as Grammarly or HeminghwayApp to help you find mistakes and remove them.

    Ultimately, check out Get Academic Help for some more serious essay writing assistance.


    Essay writing is a skill like any other. If you invest some time into practicing it and learning how to do it well, you’ll have no trouble succeeding.

    Therefore, make sure to check out the advice given above and follow each step. This will give you the right kind of guidance and help you master the skill of essay writing.

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